In honor of a hokey, made-up holiday in which greeting card companies and florists rake in the profits, I give you the stuff that I love, e.g., college football.
Whoa. Didn’t see that one coming. North Carolina defensive coordinator Gene Chizik announced his resignation from his post on Thursday. The UNC DC stated that he is making the move because he wants to spend more time with his family. Chizik has been a boon to the UNC defense, taking that unit from 118th in the country to 71st. Before that, Chizik was the head coach for the championship Auburn Tigers before being canned unceremoniously in 2012. Chizik has spent two seasons in Chapel Hill.
Wait–what?! I am not entirely sure what is going on in Capitol Hill and President Donald Trump, but I am still willing to give the guy a chance. However, this has got to be one of the more surreal appointments yet. The Trump administration is considering disgraced former Baylor president Ken Starr for a job as ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom.
Say what?! This is a guy mired in scandal and accused of trying to cover up cases of gang rape. Granted, nothing has been proven yet, but is he really the best representative of religious freedom for the United States? Baylor seems to be a prime exemplar of religious freedom run amok and he was its leader. Weird, weird, weird.
Next: Analyzing National Signing Day
I hope it’s worth it, Clemson. Look, I like the Clemson Tigers, and I was stoked that they won the national title this year, but their new football complex teeters on the verge of the ridiculous. The program spent $55 million on the facility, and it is insane. I could fit my entire house in the players’ lounge. You can take a sneak peek of the facility at ESPN.