Links at Lunch: ESPN QB Ratings, Preseason Polls, & More


ESPN Hollywood, ESPN Mobile, The Sports Guy Cartoon, Colin Cowherd; sometimes decisionmakers at the Worldwide Leader greenlight concepts ranging from ill-conceived to just plain arrogant. The latest falls in that latter category. Tonight is the debut of a quarterback rating system developed in the megalab that is Bristol, Conn. Should this special devolve into a real life version of The Chris Farley Show, with panelists fawning over one another’s awesomeness, don’t be surprised.

Now, I am no soothsayer — I have the gambling ticket stubs and failed fantasy teams to prove it. But I feel about as confident this idea will fail as I am in a Charleston Southern – Florida Labor Day weekend game’s outcome. Awful Announcing is doing what it does best, lampooning the absurdity of it all. Besides, already there exists a quarterback rating system more sensical than the existing formulas. ESPN will be hard-pressed to come up with something as logical as Patrick Johnston’s Postivie Impact Factor at In The Bleachers and explained at Big East Coast Bias.