Notre Dame Linebacker Carlo Calabrese Enters Pretrial Diversion Program
By Rich Lynch
Starting Notre Dame inside linebacker Carlo Calabrese has entered into a pre-trial agreement that will get misdemeanor intimidation charges levied against him dropped, reports the Associated Press.
Calabrese was arrested for misdemeanor intimidation of a South Bend police officer. On May 3, Calabrese became enraged while at an off-campus party when Notre Dame starting quarterback Tommy Rees was also arrested. Reese was arrested for illegal consumption of alcohol and resisting arrest.
Calabrese was quoted by South Bend police during the incident as saying “My people will get you.” God knows what he meant or whom he was referring to with that statement. The local authorities have determined that if Calabrese finishes 20 hours of community service and DOES NOT get arrested again in the next year, the charges against him will be dropped.