Clemson Slams South Carolina In Tweet

If you are not slamming your rival via Twitter then you are doing Twitter wrong. And let’s just say that Clemson is doing Twitter correctly.

Last January Clemson beat Ohio State 40-35 in the Discover Orange Bowl to win the school’s first ever BCS bowl game. This wasn’t all that they accomplished, however. Behold, the Tweet in question:

Well played. Subtle yet direct.

Good news for Clemson is with the death of the BCS there will be no more opportunities for South Carolina to try and even up the score. So Clemson will forever be the only college football program in South Carolina to have a BCS bowl victory.

Sure, we’re going to ignore the fact Clemson hasn’t beaten South Carolina since 2008 but who cares about details such as these. There will be other opportunities for Clemson to add to their 65-42-4 all-time series lead, but there will never be another chance for South Carolina to win a BCS game. And that, dear readers, is the key difference here.

Sip on the sweet nectar of BCS victory, Tigers fans. You’ve earned it.