Kliff Kingsbury Morphs Into Charlie Weis [GIF]

Nothing you see today will be more terrifying than the GIF you are about to watch below.

The Big 12 launched their new football video with the conference’s coaches promoting the merits of Big 12 football. In an attempt to make things “cool” (I guess) the coaches were recorded saying the same lines with the images morphing to each coach who continued the unifying speech. The only problem was the decision to have Kliff Kingsbury morph into Charlie Weis.

Yes, it is as scary as it sounds. Behold:

All of the nightmare will be had. All of them.

You can watch the full video here if you’d like to see it in context, not that it helps.

You’ll note the Big 12’s motto for the season is “One True Champion” based on the fact they do not have divisions and are the only major conference in which every team has to play each other. One could make a strong argument Kansas’ motto could be something to the effect of “One Big Nightmare.”

Please, Big 12, never do this again. As a matter of fact, feel free to leave Kansas football off of your commercial next time. Do it for the children.