A Picture Of Kliff Kingsbury Shirtless Is Now Something That Exists

Kliff Kingsbury is a flawed human being. We may not know what that flaw is yet but for our general collective psyche it may be a good idea to remember this fact.

The internet produced a picture of a shirtless Kingsbury standing next to two bikini clad women yesterday and it is about as ridiculous as you would think it is.


Outkick The Coverage posted this picture of Kliff Kingsbury.

(Source: Outkick The Coverage)

A few things to note: six pack, two ladies, guns up. random dude in the background who looks like he is about to pass out into the hot tub.

We are informed the woman on Kingsbury’s right is Bonnie, a Dallas Mavericks cheerleader who happened to graduate from Texas Tech. Once again, Kingsbury is using his assets wisely.

Strangely, Kingsbury may not have the best abs of all the head coaches in college football. Larry Fedora had this picture of him with his daughter leaked out this summer along with his pro tips for how to build your own six pack. Let’s just say there is no way in hell I’m ever going to have a six pack if these are the criteria.

So who do you got in the AB war: Kingsbury or Fedora?