Watch Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban Get Decleated

Once upon a time Alabama head coach Nick Saban was in high school. Young and innocent, he decided to try out of his high school football team where he earned a spot on special teams. Fate blessed us with an opportunity of a lifetime to watch what so many people have wanted to do to Nick Saban all of their lives.

Behold, Nick Saban getting the crap kicked out of him in high school.

Those who can’t, teach. Those who can’t play special teams, coach national championship football teams. Or something like that.

Saban presumably lived through this experience but it may explain why he is such a grumpy person. Maybe the ensuing concussion I’m assuming he received after this hit altered his personality from being a kind-hearted happy man to the curmudgeon football coach he is now.

Lastly, whoever laid the hit on on Saban needs to be identified. This man is going to receive so many free drinks from Auburn fans it may be able to retire now. Or maybe he’ll just get a pat on the back. Whatever it is Auburn fans do.