About an hour after Florida State announced that quarterback Jameis Winston would be suspended for the first half of the FSU-Clemson game Saturday after he was seen shouting an obscene sexual phrase on campus in a story you can see here, he apologized to the media. Here is the apology from the ACC Digital Network.
According to reports from TMZ and on Twitter, Winston allegedly stood on a table around a group of students and yelled, “F*** Her Right in the P***y,” imitating a popular internet video that people have been doing for more than six months based on an incident involving a news broadcaster. Students began tweeting about it, and FSU reacted.

With the First Pick
This is obviously a bad look for Winston, who is currently the subject of an FSU Title IX investigation in regards to the sexual assault allegation against him that came to light last Fall and who was suspended from the baseball team for three games and ordered to perform 20 hours of community service after being caught stealing $32 of crab legs from a local grocery store in April. There also have been other minor run-ins with authorities, but no arrests.
However, this case appears to simply be him acting like a college kid. It’s not on the level of even the crab legs charges. He just acted up around campus and forgot he was an athlete who would be in the public eye for this. It’s not much to read into except for the fact that it comes in the midst of a string of controversies surrounding him.
Let the suspension happen, and this should be forgotten about after that.