2014 Bahamas Bowl Between Central Michigan and Western Kentucky: One For the Ages


Really where do you start in the 2014 Bahamas Bowl between Central Michigan and Western Kentucky? Is it the laterals upon laterals with :01 second left on the clock from Central Michigan’s own 25? Is it when Titus Davis took that final lateral and made a mad dash towards the corner of the end zone with the rest of America’s heads hitting the ceiling as he did so, capping a come from behind, completely improbable, come back from 35 points down in the 4th quarter? Yep that’s a good starting place. The end of the 3rd quarter.

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11:37 4th Quarter 49-21

The score was 49-14 at the beginning of the 4th quarter. At the 11:37 mark, Titus Davis takes a 12 yard TD pass from Central Michigan’s quarterback Cooper Rush, score: 49-21. Nothing spectacular, maybe just the Chippewas trying not to be blown out.

8:03 4th Quarter 49-28

Cooper Rush again connects with Titus Davis for a 23 yard TD pass. Central Michigan still trails Western Kentucky by 21 points. At least CMU is not going to be blown out right? A 21 point loss is respectable. WKU is starting to pile up some 3 and outs on offense and not utilizing the clock to their advantage.

3:06 4th Quarter 49-35

Okay, now it’s starting to get a little interesting. Although the margin is still 14 points with just a little over 3 minutes left to play, Western Kentucky is just playing prevent defense and Central Michigan’s Cooper Rush is just gashing them. Don’t forget that the Western Kentucky offense that had scored 7 touchdowns in just 3 quarters, simply just stopped producing. As said in the ‘Betting the Bahamas Bowl,’ Western Kentucky likes to score a lot of points but they allow opponents to hang around. It seemed like WKU was just ready for the trophy presentation.

1:09 4th Quarter 49-42

Now the Bahamas Bowl, in its inaugural year, is in danger of becoming that magic show that you really can’t explain. You know what you’re witnessing but it’s just impossible to comprehend. Cooper Rush connects with Anthony Garland for a 7 yard TD pass. With only a minute left and 2 timeouts CMU decides to onside kick. It would be the only thing that seemed like it was inevitable. Ball doesn’t go 10 yards, Western Kentucky gets the ball back. The comeback is over…Or is it? 3 and out for the Hilltoppers and with nary 13 seconds left they punt it. Central Michigan sends everything they’ve got to block it and…and…WKU gets the kick off. Ball rolls into the end zone, ball at the 25 with the aforementioned :01 left in regulation. Just heave it up there Cooper Rush so we can get out of here and get on with our Christmas Eve. Nice try Chippewas. Kudos for coming from 35 points down but…

49-48 Let’s Just Go For Two!

Yes the Chippewas came back from being behind 49-14. All that remained was one play. One 2 point conversion to end it all, to come all the way back. 3 yards from history. 3 yards from a miracle.

And who breaks up the two point conversion for Western Kentucky? A guy named Wonderful Terry. Nope not making it up. Even on Christmas Eve, it became the most Wonderful Game of the Year, at least the most memorable 4th quarter in recent years. The final stat that blares out: Central Michigan’s Cooper Rush threw 5 touchdown passes in the 4th quarter alone! With the Miami Beach Bowl and now this: If this is College Football’s idea of Christmas, I got to be here for New Year’s!

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