Toomer’s Corner Trees are Back at Auburn; Harvey Updyke Loses

ByCaleb Calhoun|

Harvey Updyke, you have lost. While you get to continue paying out your $800,000 debt owed to Auburn University, the school and its students will get to celebrate at Toomer’s Corner once again. Auburn has put in two new oak trees at the school’s legendary spot, and students will be able to roll them with toilet paper once again. Everybody is a winner in this situation…except Updyke.

Remember, Updyke is an Alabama fan who poisoned the oak trees in 2010 after the Alabama-Auburn game because he could not hold in his anger over the fact that Cam Newton led the Tigers back from a 24-0 deficit to beat the Tide in that game. And he actually thought he was cool for doing it, calling into the Paul Finebaum show in February as “Al” to say what he did. He couldn’t help himself. He had to cause the uproar on Auburn’s campus. And of course, he had to end it by saying, “Roll Damn Tide!”

Well, four years later, his work was all for nothing. He is humiliated, he has spent time behind bars, and he now has to make up for the financial damage he caused. Meanwhile, Auburn still has that national championship, Cam Newton is doing pretty well himself, and Toomer’s Corner has trees once again. Here are a few pictures of them.

And here is a time lapse of the trees being planted.

These are beautiful to see because it makes Updyke’s effort completely wasted. And by the way, he was doing it to get back at Auburn because they put a Cam Newton jersey on Bear Bryant’s statue at the Auburn-Alabama game in 2010.

Let’s just antagonize Updyke a little bit more right here. The trees are back, and this picture still exists.

Congratulations Harvey, you gained nothing by doing what you did. Now go listen to the Finebaum show like a good boy.

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