Many college football rules exist for the safety of the players and to make the game more interesting, but here are ten that need to be changed.
In any sport there are rules that may have made sense at the time they were instituted, but haven’t evolved with the game. College football is no exception to that statement. In fact, there may be more that need some attention in the college game than in any other sport.
While many rules make sense, and rule changes happen from season to season, it seems that the NCAA continues to overlook some archaic – and frankly dumb – rules every year.
The college game has grown closer and closer to the NFL game, and some of the rules that separate the two simply don’t make sense any longer. There are a few other rules which, especially for young lads playing in front of 100,000 people, need to be done away with as well.
If Mark Emmert and his band of money-grubbing minstrels don’t want to pay the players, at least they can take a look at some of these rules and figure out a way to make the game better for everyone.
You want change? Let’s start with these 10 dumb rules (and while we’re at it, how about once and for all deciding what constitutes a legal catch).
Next: Drug Testing