College football fans love their school colors, their tailgates, and the music which ties it all together. Here’s a playlist of songs everyone needs on kickoff weekend.
If the extended opening weekend of college football action is anything like it was in 2016, fans are going to need a lot of food, drink and good music to carry them through the party.
While we can’t help with the food and drink categories, we’re more than happy to make some suggestions for your music playlist. This goes way beyond just the standard fight songs and tie-in music for every program. These songs are universally recognized as top tailgate standards and stadium rockers.
For starters, here’s a few that you won’t see on this list (and hopefully on none of your mp3 players and digital libraries). Some are just overplayed songs which need to be retired, while others even appall wedding DJs upon being requested.
(Google at your own risk)
Cupid – Cupid Shuffle
Gary Glitter – Rock n Roll Part 2
Los del Rio – Macarena
2 Unlimted – Get Ready
Alan Parsons – Sirus
Will Smith – Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It
Chumbawamba – Tubthumping
Village People – YMCA
PSY – Gangnam Style
Rednex – Cotton Eye Joe
You get the idea.
One thing you don’t want to do is overload your playlist with a particular style or genre, so this compendium will pull from pop, country, techno, jazz, r&b, rock and maybe even a little classical. This way everyone at your party will feel represented at some point.
Please keep in mind, this list isn’t really so much a “ranking” as it is just a compilation. Many of these songs are so close in importance it would be nearly impossible to rank them, but a numbered list is what was opted for.
These songs are the brick and mortar – the glue to hold your whole musical tailgate catalogue together. You can always sprinkle in any current favorites to give it some modern flavor.
So, fire up your laptop, connect the portable jukebox, and help yourself to a musical buffet we think will make your college football opening weekend party a lot more fun.
All song chart history via