Texas Football: 5 Bold Predictions for Texas Bowl vs. Missouri

(Photo by Brian Bahr/Getty Images)
(Photo by Brian Bahr/Getty Images) /
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(Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)
(Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images) /

3. Missouri’s six game winning streak extends to seven

Missouri started the season 1-5 and it wasn’t looking good. However, it seems that halfway through something clicked and the Tigers have since been on a six game winning streak and can’t be stopped. Does Texas have what is needed to stop them? They couldn’t stop the Red Raiders who had question marks at the quarterback position from the first snap. How will they do with a strong and established quarterback?


Drew Lock has been on a tear as of late, which has brought him to the number one spot in terms of passing touchdowns as the season comes to a close. That kind of record doesn’t come without the help of a tremendous offensive line and a great group of wideouts ready to fight for the ball when it comes their way. Not every game of the streak has been pretty, not every game has been dominant. However, the Tigers keep finding a way to get it done and I don’t see that changing.

The Missouri win streak extends to seven on Wednesday Dec. 27 with a big offensive day from Drew Lock and company.