You could argue that ECU’s duds are a total eyesore, and I wouldn’t really be able to disagree with you. But they are a wonderfully bizarre eyesore.
Few uniforms announce their presence as aggressively as the Pirates’ do. You’ve got the purple jerseys, which are always a nice, eye-catching look; then you add the bright yellow pants and facemasks, and you’ve got a Lakers-in-the-Upside-Down thing going on; then you top it all off with a helmet with an undead zombie pirate on it. Yeah, these uniforms are awesome.
What they lack in aesthetic value they make up for in pure, streamlined craziness. Is this a bad thing? Not at all. This is a school that is technically named after a state that does not exist. They are pure, streamlined, craziness personified. Never change, Pirates.
It should be noted that ECU’s away uniforms are actually sort of tasteful, which may be the biggest shock of all.