In order to amuse you, I give you the awesome, James-Brown-esque “Turnover robe” that the Memphis football team just revealed.
College football fans can all agree that the AAC has gone from a tiny, forgotten conference to a football force. They have several great teams on their roster, even if one of them got a little big for its collective britches. *ahem* *UCF*
The Memphis Tigers have been quietly building a program and wreaking havoc on teams both inside and outside their conference. Last season, the Tigers had some of the best numbers in the country at turnovers. The coaches produced a hilarious, WWF-style takeaway belt for players to wear on the sideline as a motivator.
This year, the Tigers went one step up and introduced a fancy new robe for the players to wear as they secured a turnover. The robe, festooned with tiger stripes and royal blue feathers, has the words “Takeaway champ” and the Memphis logo emblazoned across the back. It is the tackiest thing I have ever seen, which makes it officially awesome.
Twitter immediately blew up. Pictures of the robe and players wearing it were all over Twitter on Saturday. The players seem genuinely excited to get the chance to wear it. Can’t say I blame them–I mean, how often do you get the chance to nail a turnover and then look like James Brown?
Memphis, I applaud you–you’ve brought fun back to college football. (As an FSU alum, fun has been pretty thin on the ground of late.)