Each Power Five conference has at least one quarterback being overlooked in college football. Who should we be paying more attention to?
It goes without say that the quarterback position can get too much credit for his team’s success as well as too much blame for his team’s failures. However, every successful team relies on successful quarterback play.
Successful quarterback play can be defined many different ways, which we will save for another discussion. In today’s game, a quarterback at a school with a major brand and a large national fan base is going to get more publicity than a quarterback at a smaller school that isn’t known for their football program — even if the kid at the smaller school is a better quarterback.
The quarterbacks of the “blue-blood” schools of college football tend to get the most publicity and exposure compared to quarterbacks at other schools. At times, the coverage is justified, as a lot of these “blue-blood” schools produce quality quarterbacks, but at other times the conference may have better quarterback play at a lesser known “football school” that may not be getting mentioned as much as it should.
With that said, we are going to look at each Power Five conferences most underrated quarterback going into the 2019 season. We will briefly break them down and look at what they bring to the table and why they should be getting mentioned more.
We will also put out the five most underrated Group of Five quarterbacks at another date.