Don’t Park in Urban Meyer’s Spot; He Will Block You In (Photo)

We’ve all been there, particularly if you live on the East Coast. Who does not get frustrated about being blocked in?

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But at the same time, it can be just as frustrating when you have a spot reserved for you and somebody decides to park in it. Well, Urban Meyer made sure to punish the person who did that to him.

According to a tweet posted by Ohio State running back Warren Ball Monday, the Buckeyes head football coach blocked in a vehicle that parked in his spot.

Here is the tweet, courtesy of Warren Ball.

Yeah, Meyer comes across as a mean guy already, so it probably was not the smartest thing for him to do or the nicest, and it appears to have been completely unnecessary given that so many other parking spaces appeared to be available.

But some people have to understand that there are real consequences to things. And if you park in Meyer’s spot, the consequence is that you will have to wait for him before he leaves.

So, in all honesty, he is completely in the right here.

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