Big 12 Power Rankings Week 2: A Two-Horse Race

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Saturday Blitz Big 12 Power Rankings Week 2

The Big 12 is shaping up to be the two-horse race we all expected it to be at the beginning of the year for now. Oklahoma and Baylor have been blowing teams out worse than anybody else, setting the stage for a major show down between the two schools to determine the championship.

But they aren’t the only teams that are looking to compete for that title. With West Virginia and Oklahoma State bursting onto the scene after playing Alabama and Florida State close respectively the week before, Kansas State still in the Top 25, and a group of other schools who all think they’re better, this competition could get much tougher than we expected.

More from Baylor Bears

Unfortunately, the scheduling on the part of the Big 12 was so pathetic, nearly to the level of the SEC last weekend, that there wasn’t much to gain from the games. But at least we got to determine where some teams didn’t belong, and the first conference game of the year turned out to be much more exciting than anybody would have predicted.

This week we’ll get more of a read on the conference with Maryland, Duke, Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, UCLA, and Tennessee all playing Big 12 teams. This will be an exciting week for the conference.

So with that, here are our Week 2 Big 12 Power Rankings.

Continue to Next Slide for No. 10 Ranked Big 12 Team